Khanda & Ik Onkar – Symbols in Sikh Wedding Cards

People of the Sikh community are known for giving high importance to their religion and traditions and strictly following the rules mentioned in the holy book of their religion. They consider the wedding as the strongest bond between two individuals. It is considered to be important for taking the blessings of god and elders during the ceremony. Sikh wedding invitations also depict cultural values. These usually have various religious symbols and each of these has different meanings. The popular symbols used in Sikh marriage invitations and their meanings are mentioned below.
Khanda is one of the most important symbols used in the Sikh wedding cards. This symbol was brought in trend by the Guru Hargobind Singh in the 17th century. It incorporates three elements, sword, cauldron, and two-sided blades. The circle in the upper center represents the cauldron used for food preparation, whereas the sword dividing it into two parts was used by the Guru Hargobind Singh. The left side blade is known as Bhagti and a symbol of spiritual power, whereas the right one is known as Shakti and a symbol of cosmic power. For its cultural significance, couples ask Indian wedding cards manufacturers to print it in the invitations.
Another significant symbol used is Ik Onkar. Its name means “god is one”. It is composed of two Punjabi letters, a character for the number ‘one’ and “Urha” for Onkar. This symbol depicts that the god is only one and present in every particle of the universe. It is present in the Guru Granth Sahib as an opening phrase and it is a part of the Morning Prayer. This symbol has a resemblance with OM, a significant symbol for Hindus. Due to the religious significance of Ik Onkar, it is used in the Sikh wedding cards.
Well, these are two important symbols with high religious significance that are used in the Sikh Wedding cards.
An Outlook on the Significance of Khanda
The Khanda, an important symbol of Sikhism, is generally said to be “Khalsa Crest” or Sikh coat of arms. The Khanda is one of the three items and represents that Sikhs believe in god. In the Symbol of Sikhism, there is a double-edged sword in the center and a circular Chakkar along with two single-edged swords are crossed at the bottom and sit on each side of khanda. All these things are signifying all-embracing divine expression where everything must be given and nothing must be wanted.
A Sikhism symbol has three weapons and a circle. The Khanda, two kirpans, a chakkar which is a circle all constitute and make a vital symbol. All these elements have significant meaning. Khanda is considered as knowledge of God. The chakkar is considered as the oneness of God. Miri is considered as political dominion. Piri is considered as spiritual dominion.
In Sikhism, weapons are regarded as a creative/ heavenly power of God. In the hands of saintly individuals, they are the indication of impartiality, sameness, liberty, and destructors of evil, autocrat, and immoral persons.
A completely clear concept of khanda as a Sikh symbol is not given and there are multiple interpretations made with respect to it.
An Outlook on the Significance of Ik Onkar
This symbol consists of two characters. The first character is a Punjabi character and is number one. The second character is Punjabi letter “Urha” which means God. In Sikhism, this symbol indicates union and harmony of God. You will get this symbol at all the places like Gurudwaras. Even this symbol can be seen in many religious scriptures too. There is a similarity in this symbol with the Sanskrit word OM. OM is found in many ancient Sanskrit kinds of literature and is a Hindu religious word. Ik Onkar is a sign of a feeling that there is “one God”. This phrase is the first composition of Guru Nanak and recited as a prayer in the morning.
This is the symbol which indicates that there is one supreme reality. This basic teaching of Sikhism shows that there is only one spirit or one reality that maintains all its dominance to the understanding of Sikh’s belief.
Ik Onkar is considered as mul mantra of Guru Granth Sahib. A mul mantra means that song or hymn in which the scripture’s real meaning remains. The mantra is an amplification, embellishment, and elucidation of the whole scripture.
Sikh Wedding Invitation Cards
Sikh wedding cards are nearly similar to Hindu wedding cards. Although, modern wedding cards are made with the latest designs and decors, still, the essence of culture from ancient times has not been forgotten by the people. India is a nation of cultures and Sikhism, one of the respectable cultures, has many kinds of symbols with their meanings in their scriptures. Sikh weddings are also full of rituals and customs which are made from ancient times by the big saints of their community.
Many religious symbols are printed on the wedding cards which represents the tradition and culture of family. As the two symbols – Khanda and Ik Onkar are very significant in the Sikhism so Sikh wedding cards mostly have them on it. Sikh People believe incredibly the two symbols. As a remark of their belief in their tradition and culture, Sikh people mention many kinds of symbols on their wedding cards.
Let us have a look at other symbols which are as important as the above two. All these symbols together bestow the Sikhs an exclusive identity, indicating discipline and holiness. The symbols are Kesh, Kirpan, Kara, Kangha, and Kachhera. These five Ks are the five things offered by Guru Govind Singh. These symbols which are items for physical appearance are of very much significance for the Sikh community.
People of Sikh society have great respect and love for their culture. They cherish their prayers and rituals with lots of gratification. As such, many symbols are representing Sikh culture, still, Ik Onkar and Khanda are the two most precious symbols of all. Now discover elegant designs for Indian wedding invitations for every Indian wedding event