Wedding: The Beginning of a Beautiful Journey

Marriage a beautiful journey embarked upon by two souls together madly in love with each other. Yeah, it’s one of the most beautiful phases of life you can experience with your better half.It constitutes so many phases and their journey. From deciding the design of your wedding card to working on the design of your “home sweet home”, from deciding the theme of your wedding ceremony to deciding the everyday menus together, your love grows.
It doesn’t fade; it just grows old with the time. Don’t you love the old-school romance of your parent? Don’t you just adore how your father helps your mother with little household chores after a tiring day at work? Or when they hum the melody of their favorite song together? Or when they complete each other sentences? Or when your father brings something (be it petite) for your mother? We absolutely loved it when these little things fall together and you can experience it for the life with your partner.
So are you all set to begin this journey together with your partner by your side? There are some things that can help you in continuing to ignite the spark for long.
Let The Beautiful Journey Begins
Try To Know Each Other
You should never try to change each other. Helping each other out to be a better person is not changing. Your differences are your strength, whatever one lacks, other got it covered. You are like two different pieces of a Jigsaw puzzle, only by being together you complete each other.
Compliment Each Other
Make it a habit of complimenting your partner. Don’t you think they deserve it? Don’t you think she looks absolutely ravishing in her new dress? Or don’t you think he looks absolutely handsome in his new formals? Complimenting each other every now and then won’t cause any harm, instead, those little words of appreciation can make up for a bad day. It can even outshine a good day too making it one of the many best days coming with you.
Work Together At Home
Working out the chores together, cuddling together after a long day at work, waking up to beautiful kisses and warm hugs, there are so many beautiful things you can experience on this new journey together. Life isn’t that fair, we all know that. Hence there will be a time when you feel like falling apart, but just work it out. After all, what’s the point of leading a life without the love of your life?
Enjoy This Journey:
Marriage is a journey and a destination in itself. Growing old doesn’t mean you don’t have the flair left, it just means instead of so many “I Love You”s, her waiting for you for the dinner even when you are all late says everything. When instead of going on for outings, you love to spend the night on the couch binge-watching your favorite movies and hog over pizza and popcorn. Your partner is surely one of the best things ever happen to you and your marriage just makes it official. After all what’s love unless proclaimed out loud with “I do”.